Data-Driven Chemistry

Data Driven Chemistry is a 2nd year undergraduate course taught at the School of Chemistry, the University of Edinburgh. The course is designed by James Cumby, Valentina Erastova, Claire Hobday and Antonia Mey, with contribution by Matteo Degiacomi, Jasmin Güven, Hannah Pollak and Rafal Szabla

The goal of the course is to introduce programming and programmatic data analysis into the undergraduate chemistry curriculum.

The course consists of 10 Units, each is a self-contained material for a weekly 3-hour workshop, where a lecturer will be doing live-coding and explanations, followed by tasks to be tried individually with help from demonstrators. The original material was hosted online using the Noteable service by the University of Edinburgh.

The course is migrated to Binder and can be found under Binder

The material is also found on GitHub